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search out的用法,cure的用法

时间: 2024-04-28 22:29

aware的用法cure的用法searchfor和finddisappoint用法although的用法3、search out 也是动词短语,“找出”的意思,跟search for一样,后面可以加名词或者代词.但是它强调的是找的结果.例句:The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witnes...

3、search out 也是动词短语,“找出”的意思,跟search for一样,后面可以加名词或者代词.但是它强调的是找的结果.例句:The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witnes

search sb out of the crowd 在人群中找到某人 Search For 搜索…,搜寻…,寻找…,探索… in search for 寻找;寻求 in the search for 在寻求…时,为寻找 search into 调查

s e a r c h s b o u t o f t h e c r o w d zai ren qun zhong zhao dao mou ren S e a r c h F o r sou suo … , sou xun … , xun zhao … , tan suo … i n s e a r c h f o r xun zhao ; xun qiu i n t h e s e a r c h f o r zai xun qiu … shi , wei xun zhao s e a r c h i n t o tiao zha . . .

search out基本解释 找到,查出 网络释义 1. 寻找,找到 2. 寻找到 search out的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 I want tosearchoutan old school friend


search out search out和search for的用法: search for寻找,搜寻,后面接搜寻的对象(表示搜寻的动作) They set out to search for the lost child.他们出发去搜寻失踪的小孩。

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search out 美 英 na.搜出;查出;探出;找出 网络寻找;找到;寻找到 第三人称单数:searches out现在分词:searching out过去式:searched out 同义词 v. discover,uncover,find ou

search out vi. 查出(探出, 找出) 例句与用法: He went through drawer after drawer and eventuallysearched outa dusty portfolio. 他一个一个抽屉查找,后来终于找出了一份


search out 寻找到;挑选出来;(侧重)把找出来Search out the joys of solitude.寻找到孤独的喜悦.search for 寻找,搜索;(侧重)去找You can search for an

search out 也是动词短语,“找出”的意思。search out造句 1、We are trying to search out the few remaining err


